In Loving Memory
Here is a page for dearly departed cats in celebration of their lives and to show how much they were loved.

Hello all. I can barely believe I’m typing this, but it has to be done. Our wonderful Charlie (previously known as Jonass or ‘Slinky Cat’) has left us. He’d had some odd symptoms over recent months and although all tests came back negative, the vet said Charlie had a heart murmur, not unusual in a […]

We lost our beautiful boy Cheeky very suddenly on 9th May. We adopted him from Heatons in April 2016, when we had recently lost our last cat, Benny. When we attended the sanctuary, we asked to see the most needy cases, and were presented with Cheeky and his mother Bubbles. Bubbles seemed friendly enough, but […]

Unfortunately we lost our gorgeous boy Alfie on Tuesday 02nd 2019. He collapsed and rushed straight to the vets but unfortunately they couldn’t do anything to save him as he had a clot near his heart, So the decision was made to put our gorgeous gentle, loving Alfie to sleep so he wasn’t in anymore […]

Our beautiful Bobby came into the heaton’s last year. Originally called Babe because she came into us thinking she was a girl, and we were all very shocked when the vet checked and actually told us he was a boy, so that’s when he became Bobby. Bobby made every day at the heaton’s a joy […]

In memory of Daisy, a message attached from her loving owner. i wanted to share this with you for the website and to tell the world about my treasured little Daisy and how much she will be missed since she passed away in November 2017. I’d also like to thank you for the great work you do […]

Tommy had been with us at the heaton’s for a couple of months. We rescued him when he was living outside, and from the moment he came in, he was such a happy cat, and loved a cuddle. unfortunately from the start we knew Tommy would be a battle with him having multiple health issues […]

In memory of Dinky-Doo. Hello, my name is Gizmo and I am temporarily residing at The Heatons Animal Rescue Group. When I arrived my first friend was a little black cat called Dinky-Doo, but his friends could call him Dinky. He had been here at the sanctuary for almost eighteen months and despite his slight […]

Hi, just thought I would let you know that Rusty (was Baker) has died after a short illness. He caught a chest infection. He was a lovely gentle big softy who I adopted from you in January 2011. We had 3 wonderful years together I thought it would be so much longer. He was […]

Previously Foxy
It is with great sadness that I write to let you know that our beautiful cat Poppy (previously called foxy) has passed away. We got her from you in February 2012. She was described as being soft and purry on the website and I fell in love with her as soon as I saw […]
In memory of Milo Milo will be sadly missed. He was without doubt the softest cat in the world! We miss him so very much.
. In memory of Smokey Joe Smokey Joe was adopted from the Heatons Animal Rescue Group in September 2008, along with Jenny (who passed away last year). After a brave battle with Lymphoma, Smokey-Joe passed away last week. We helped him make the right choice at this sad time. A beautiful and gentle soul with […]
It is with much sadness that we announce the death of Jimmy Jimmy had been a sanctuary cat for many years. Not re-homeable due to his many health issues and needing a home that could care for all his veterinary needs. His face will be familiar to those who have a sanctuary […]
In Memory of Wanda We adopted Wanda in August 2011 but regret to inform you that she sadly passed away last week after a serious illness. The two short years we had her were so special and the house feels so empty without her. She was such a loving cat, who greeted us as […]
In Memory of Lottie Lottie (formerly Tiny) was a black and white cat. We adopted her with Suzy (the white cat in the pictures). They were best friends and used to go exploring together, hunting birds and frogs. Lottie loved bringing us presents, from birds and frogs to twigs and rose petals. Lottie was […]
In Memory of Jenny. Jenny was adopted from the Heatons Animal Rescue Group October 2008. Sadly she passed away this week after a short but serious illness. We helped her make the right choice for her at this sad time and we miss her dearly as does Smokey-joe our other rescue cat. We called her […]